Sunday 26 January 2014

CV .... How to write a CV

writing a CV is what every one things he is good at ! but actually it is very complected and require a lot of practice and ability to communicate. the one who will be reading it is some one who dont know. all he/she can know of you is through this paper we call CV
  1. Rule no. 1 of CV writing , write it Ur Self. Never ever Ever ask some one else and pay some one to write your CV
  2. no Photos. (until u are applying for a modeling contest)
  3. don't tell them ur Bad Grades, write something else in the info i.e major subjects, what u learned and u were passed in all sub e.t.c . 
  4. ur skills are very important. tell them u can use credit card terminal or software like Microsoft Word and Excel, mention that you type fast and carry a strong vocabulary.
  5. get it checked from any friend of urs E.g once i spent 2.5 hours writing a CV and it was all reviewed by me almost a 100 times. when i asked my little 6 grade sister to read it she told me that the Email was missing a letter.
(this is a YouTube link so if u are a viewer from Pakistan use VPN to view this video)


the CV of Anthony Roberts is a good Example of style with mature content and good management of space
it is good to keep CV to 1 pg but its not a law. 
 some other good examples of 1 pg CV  are

1 comment:

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